MOTION: SHOW CAUSE HEARING July 07, 2015 (2024)



  • MOTION: SHOW CAUSE HEARING July 07, 2015 (3)
  • MOTION: SHOW CAUSE HEARING July 07, 2015 (4)
  • MOTION: SHOW CAUSE HEARING July 07, 2015 (5)
  • MOTION: SHOW CAUSE HEARING July 07, 2015 (6)
  • MOTION: SHOW CAUSE HEARING July 07, 2015 (7)
  • MOTION: SHOW CAUSE HEARING July 07, 2015 (8)
  • MOTION: SHOW CAUSE HEARING July 07, 2015 (9)
  • MOTION: SHOW CAUSE HEARING July 07, 2015 (10)


(octaneA-FILEOCQURT OF COMMON PLEASWWR # 2081522015 JUL -7 AM 8: 4aIN THE COURT OF COMMON PLEASGMONTGOMERY COUNTY, OHIOWHEE EOa MEF .» 15PNC BANK, N.A. CASE 2015 EX 63897JUDGEPlaintiffVS.LINDA D. BRADFIELD, AKA MOTION TO SHOW CAUSE (WITHREQUEST FOR ATTORNEY’S FEESAND SANCTIONS)we Se ee EeDefendantNOW COMES the Plaintiff, PNC Bank, N.A., by and through its counsel, Weltman,Weinberg & Reis Co., L.P.A., and hereby moves this Honorable Court, pursuant to Ohio CivilRule 37(D), for an Order upon Linda D. Bradfield, aka Linda D. Nalls to appear and show causewhy she should not be held in contempt of this Court for failure to appear for the debtor’s exam.Defendant, Linda D, Bradfield, aka Linda D. Nalls, failed to appear, in Court, for the Debtor’sExam scheduled on June 5, 2015 at 1:30 p.m. The basis for this Motion is more fully set forth inthe Brief and Affidavit attached hereto and made a pg¢f hereof.WE} wp, G & REIS CO., L.P.A.ANDREW €-7OORHEES #0077955AttOmey for PlaintiffLakeside Place, Suite 200323 W. Lakeside AvenueCleveland, OH 44113Phone: (216) 685-1050Fax: (216) 363-4033E-mail: avoorhees@weltman.comBRIEF IN SUPPORTL STATEMENT OF FACTSOn or about April 29, 2015, the Plaintiff, PNC Bank, N.A., obtained a Judgment againstthe Defendant, Linda D. Bradfield, aka Linda D. Nalls, in the Montgomery County CommonPleas Court under Case No. 2015 CV 00227, entitled “PNC Bank, N.A. vs. Linda D. Bradfield,aka,” for $49,521.37, plus interest and costs. On May 15, 2015, counsel for Plaintiff filed withthe Court an Order in Aid of Execution Examination before Judge on the above Judgmentbalance, a copy of which was mailed to the Defendant, Linda D. Bradfield, aka Linda D. Nalls,by the Court. Defendant, Linda D. Bradfield, aka Linda D. Nalls, was to appear on June 5, 2015at 1:30 p.m. in Court for this Debtor’s Examination. A copy of Debtor’s Examination is attachedhereto and incorporated herein as Exhibit “1”. Defendant, Linda D. Bradfield, aka Linda D.Nalls, did not appear for the Debtor’s Exam, nor did she contact counsel for the Plaintiff bytelephone or via correspondence in order to explain her failure to appear or reschedule theDebtor’s Examination. See Affidavit attached hereto and incorporated as if fully rewrittenherein.Defendant, Linda D. Bradfield, aka Linda D. Nalls, failed to appear and is now inviolation of this Court’s prior Order.IL. LAW AND ARGUMENT(a) SanctionsRule 37(D) of the Ohio Rules of Civil Procedure provides, in pertinent part, that:If a party .. . or a person designated under . . . Rule 31(A) totestify on behalf of a party fails (1) to appear before the officerwho is to take his deposition, after being served with a propernotice, . . . the court in which the action is pending on motionand notice may make such orders in regard to the failure as arejust, and among others it may take any action authorized undersubsections (a), (b) and (c) of subdivision (B)(2) of this rule.In lieu of any order or in addition thereto, the court shallrequire the party failing to act or the attorney advising him orboth to pay the reasonable expenses, including attorney's fees,caused by the failure, unless the court expressly finds that thefailure was substantially justified or that other circ*mstancesmake an award of expenses unjust.The failure to act described in this subdivision may not beexcused on the ground that the discovery sought isobjectionable unless the party failing to act has applied for aprotective order as provided by Rule 26(C). (Emphasis added)As the Court aptly stated in Midwest Sportservice, Inc. v. Andreoli, 3 Ohio App.3d 242,244 (Ct. App. Hamilton Co., 1981):If the scheduled time and place are inconvenient or present unreasonableburdens on the party to be deposed, or should the party have any otherobjections to the taking of his deposition, his remedy is to obtain a protectiveorder under Ciy. R. 26(C). [footnote omitted] Where a party fails to do so, hemay be subjected to any of the sanctions appropriate under Civ. R. 37(D).Ward_v. Hester (1972), 32 Ohio App.2d 121 [62 0.0.2d 124]. See,generally, Case Notes, Civil Procedure - Which Party Must Travel -- Costs --Protective Orders and the Requirement of Good Cause, 33 Ohio St. L.J. 246(Emphasis added).Accord, Dafco v. Reynolds, 9 Ohio App.3d at 5-6; E.I. DuPont de Nemours v. Thompson, 29Ohio App.3d 272, 276 (Ct. App., Cuyahoga Co., 1986)McCarthy v. Dunfee, 19 Ohio App.3d 68, 69 (Ct. App. Lorain Co., 1984).Accordingly, this Court should issue an Order upon the Defendant, Linda D. Bradfield,aka Linda D. Nalls, to appear and show cause why she should not be heid in contempt of court,and should order Linda D. Bradfield, aka Linda D. Nails to appear for her Debtor’s Exam.Additionally, this Court should impose sanctions upon Linda D. Bradfield, aka Linda D. Nallsand award attorney’s fees to the Plaintiff in light of Linda D. Bradfield, aka Linda D. Nalls’unconscionable conduct.The Motion to Show Cause is clearly appropriate considering the unjustifiable conduct ofthe Defendant, Linda D. Bradfield, aka Linda D. Nalls.vIll. CONCLUSIONFor the above reasons, this Court should grant Plaintiff's Motion to Show Cause and issuean Order upon the Defendant, Linda D. Bradfield, aka Linda D. Nalls, to appear and show causewhy she should not be held in contempt of court. In addition, Plaintiff is requesting sanctions inthe form of the relevant expenses and attorney's fees in an amount to be determined by the Courtat the time of the Hearing as a result of the Defendant's failure to submit to discovery. Plaintifffurther prays for any additional Orders deemed by this Court as just in view of the unjustifiableconduct of Linda D. Bradfield, aka Linda D. Nalls. INBERG & REIS CO., L.P.A. ANDREW. IRHEES #0077955lomney for PlaintiffLakeside Place, Suite 200323 W. Lakeside AvenueCleveland, OH 44113Phone: -685-1050Fax: (216) 363-4033E-mail: avoorhees@weltman.comCERTIFICATE OF SERVICEA copy of the foregoing Motion to Show Cause (With Request For Attorney’s Fees andSanctions) was mailed this th day of June 2015, by regular U.S. Mail, to the Defendant,Linda D. Bradfield, aka Linda D. Nalls, at 45 N. Trenton Street, Dayton, Ohio 45417,WELTMAN, ERG & REIS CO., L.P.A. Lakeside Place, Suite 200323 W. Lakeside AvenueCleveland, OH 44113Phone: -685-1050Fax: (216) 363-4033E-mail: avoorhees@weltman.comWWR #20815220Common Pleas Court, Me WeurasIS MAYS ABI: 38 )aici,PNC Bank, NA, _ G11.% OF COUNT ) No. 2015 CV 00227Plaintiff + MONTGSHERY )449* £X¢3297) Proceedings in Aid of Execution) ORDER FOR EXAMINATIONLinda D. Bradfield, akaDefendant }It appearing to the Court, by the Affidavit of Andrew C. Voorhees, Attorney for the Plaintiff, that theDefendant, Linda D. Bradfield, aka Linda D. Nalls, in this action, and that said Defendant has property in herhands which she unjustly refuses to apply toward the satisfaction of said Judgment.eIt is therefore ordered that the said Defendant, Linda D. Bradfield, aka Linda D. Nails, is to appear beforethe Honorable Judge, O'Connell, of said Court at his office in Dayton, Ohio on then) = 5 29m day of‘2015 at LZ am JER to answer, under oath, concerning the property of saidJudgment debtor; and in the meantime, said Defendant, Linda D. Bradfield, aka Linda D. Nalls, and all otherpersons are forbidden to transfer or dispose of the property of said Defendant, Linda D. Bradfield, aka Linda D,LY ascy Mt. Mf foJUDGE O'C% LLNalls, or in any manner interfere therewith.EXHIBITWWR #20815220STATE OF OHIO )) SS: AFFIDAVITCOUNTY OF CUYAHOGA _)Andrew C. Voorhees, being first duly sworn according to law, deposes and states that heis the attorney for the Plaintiff in the within action.AFFIANT STATES that on or about April 29, 2015, a Judgment was rendered against theDefendant, Linda D. Bradfield, aka Linda D. Nalls, in the Montgomery County Common PleasCourt under Case No. 2015 CV 02277, in the amount of $49,521.37, plus interest and costs.AFFIANT FURTHER STATES that a Debtor’s Exam was schedule for Linda D.Bradfield, aka Linda D. Nalls to appear for the taking of her deposition on June 5, 2015, at 1:30p.m. On June 5, 2015, the Defendant failed to appear for the taking of her duly noticed Debtor’sExam, nor did she contact counsel for the Plaintiff by telephone or via correspondence in orderto explain her failure to appear or reschedule the Debtor’s examination.AFFIANT FURTHER STATES that notice was sent to the Defendant, Linda D.Bradfield, aka Linda D. Nalls, by the Court advising that the Debtor’s Exam was set for June 5,2015, at 1:30 p.m. The Defendant failed to appear and is now in violation of this Court’s priorOrder.AFFIANT FURTHER SAYETH NAUGHT.ANDREW C. VOORHEES #0077955SWORN TO BEFORE ME and subscribed in my presence this (24 day of June2015.NOTARY PUBLI!JACLYNNE M, FOXHALLNotary Public, State of OhioMy Commission ExpiresMay 21, 2019

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Aug 19, 2024 |24STCV00350

Case Number: 24STCV00350 Hearing Date: August 19, 2024 Dept: 72 SUPERIOR COURT OF CALIFORNIA COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES DEPARTMENT 72 TENTATIVE RULING CREDIT CORP SOLUTIONS, INC. ASSIGNEE OF CITIBANK, Plaintiff, v. ANGIE GRIGORIAN, Defendants. Case No: 24STCV00350 Hearing Date: August 19, 2024 Calendar Number: 4 Plaintiff Credit Corp Solutions, Inc. (Plaintiff) seeks default judgment against Defendant Angie Grigorian (Defendant). Plaintiff requests: (1) money judgment in the amount of $184,590.03, consisting of: (A) $184,066.03 in damages; and (B) $524.00 in costs. Plaintiffs request for default judgment is GRANTED. Background This is a debt collection action. Citibank, N.A. (Citibank) issued a credit account to Defendant. Defendant made use of the credit account and defaulted in making required payments. The date of the last payment was May 25, 2021. Citibank, N.A. transferred its interest in the credit account to Plaintiff. Plaintiff filed this action on January 5, 2024, raising claims for (1) account stated; and (2) open book account. Default was entered against Defendant on July 16, 2024. Legal Standard CCP § 585 permits entry of a judgment after a Defendant has failed to timely answer after being properly served. A party seeking judgment on the default by the Court must file a Form CIV-100 Request for Court Judgment, and: (1) Proof of service of the complaint and summons; (2) A dismissal of all parties against whom judgment is not sought (including Doe defendants) or an application for separate judgment under CCP § 579, supported by a showing of grounds for each judgment (CRC 3.1800(a)(7); (3) A declaration of non-military status as to the defendant (typically included in Form CIV-100) (CRC 3.1800(a)(5)); (4) A brief summary of the case (CRC 3.1800(a)(1)); (5) Admissible evidence supporting a prima facie case for the damages or other relief requested (Johnson v. Stanhiser (1999) 72 Cal.App.4th 357, 361-362); (6) Interest computations as necessary (CRC 3.1800(a)(3)); (7) A memorandum of costs and disbursem*nts (typically included in Form CIV-100 (CRC 3.1800(a)(4)); (8) A request for attorneys fees if allowed by statute or by the agreement of the parties (CRC 3.1800(a)(9)), accompanied by a declaration stating that the fees were calculated in accordance with the fee schedule as per Local Rule 3.214. Where a request for attorney fees is based on a contractual provision the specific provision must be cited; (Local Rule 3.207); and (9) A proposed form of judgment (CRC 3.1800(a)(6)); (10) Where an application for default judgment is based upon a written obligation to pay money, the original written agreement should be submitted for cancellation (CRC 3.1806). A trial court may exercise its discretion to accept a copy where the original document was lost or destroyed by ordering the clerk to cancel the copy instead (Kahn v. Lasorda's Dugout, Inc. (2003) 109 Cal.App.4th 1118, 1124); (11) Where the plaintiff seeks damages for personal injury or wrongful death, they must serve a statement of damages on the defendant in the same manner as a summons (Code Civ. Proc. § 425.11, subd. (c), (d)). (California Rules of Court rule 3.1800.) Pursuant to Code Civ. Proc., § 1033.5(a)(1), items are allowable as costs under Section 1032 if they are filing, motion, and jury fees. A party who defaults only admits facts well pleaded in the complaint or cross-complaint. (Molen v. Friedman (1998) 64 Cal.App.4th 1149, 1153-1154.) Thus, the complaint must state a claim for the requested relief. Discussion Service of the Complaint and Summons The Proof of Service filed on January 22, 2024 indicates that Defendant was served on January 15, 2024 at 821 Palm Place, Montebello, California 90640, via substitute service on John Doe, a co-resident. Dismissal of Other Parties On July 16, 2024, Plaintiff requested the dismissal of the Doe defendants. The Court hereby grants Plaintiffs request. Non-Military Status Nathalia A. Aguirre aver to the non-military status of Defendant. Summary of the Case Plaintiff provides a brief summary of the case in the Declaration of Aliyah Huerta in support of default judgment. Plaintiff adequately pleads its causes of action. Evidence of Damages Huerta avers that the balance on Defendants account at charge-off was $184,066.03. (Huerta Decl. ¶ 11.) This was, of course, the amount requested in the complaint based on Citibank records that were also attached to the complaint. There is an arguable hearsay problem, however Huerta relies on business records of Citibank which were later acquired by Plaintiff in order to establish this fact. (Huerta Decl. ¶¶ 3-6.) Huerta provides declarations that appear to state that the records are business records of Plaintiff for hearsay purposes. (Huerta Decl. ¶¶ 3-5.) However, these are records of Citibank, which has not provided its own declaration. In the context of this default proceeding the Court accepts Plaintiffs evidence as admissible and credits Plaintiffs testimony. There is a reasonable legal position that these are not hearsay statements at all. Credit card statements of the sort at issue here are created mechanically and automatically. Hearsay applies to out of court statements, which can be made by a person and not a machine. (See Evidence Code § 1200 [defining hearsay evidence as evidence of a statement that was made other than by a witness while testifying.].) Plaintiff has authenticated the documents as Citibank documents that served as the basis for Plaintiffs decision to buy the debt. (Huerta Decl. ¶¶ 5-6.) Federal law required Citibank to send Defendant these monthly statements. (Huerta Decl. ¶ 6.) The documents appear to be in the form of a normal credit card statement. Moreover, they were attached to the complaint and Defendant had the opportunity to contest them if Defendant had appeared in this case. For all these reasons, the Court finds that Plaintiff has provided adequate evidence of its damages. Interest Plaintiff does not seek interest. Memorandum of Costs and Disbursem*nts Nathalia A. Aguirre avers that Plaintiff expended $524.00 in costs. Attorneys Fees Plaintiff does not request attorneys fees. Proposed Form of Judgment Plaintiff provides a proposed form of judgment consistent with the above. Submission of the Written Agreement The Courts record does not appear to reflect that the original agreements have been submitted. The Court requests that Plaintiff submit the original loan agreements or aver as to whether the original documents have been lost or destroyed. Statement of Damages Plaintiff does not need to submit a statement of damages because this is not a personal injury or wrongful death case.



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MOTION: SHOW CAUSE HEARING July 07, 2015 (2024)


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Name: Moshe Kshlerin

Birthday: 1994-01-25

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